Droner i sivilsamfunnet (Drones in Civil Society)
Drones in Civil Society
Civilian drones are becoming a billion-dollar industry in Norway, and in many forums they are referred to as Norway’s new oil. But what are civilian drones, and how can we best ensure that drones are used responsibly in our society? That is the main question that is discussed in this book. Drones in civil society illuminate the theme from many different angles. Who are the actors and how do they interact? What exactly is the difference between civilian and military drone use? What distinguishes hobby pilots from professional operators, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental exploration of drone technology? And what happens to privacy and individuals in the midst of all this? The rapid development in the field indicates that drones will soon be an integral part of our new everyday life. How will it affect transport, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare and communication?
Camera drones as a journalistic tool - a design experiment in higher education
By Frode Guribye, Lars Nyre and Astrid Gynnild
Drone technology; RRI and learning
By Astrid Gynnild
Why drones in civil society?
By Astrid Gynnild
The Norwegian Drone Fairytale
By Bente Heggedal and Astrid Gynnild
Drones in the north? The need for a future-oriented policy
By Åke Refsdal Moe
Drone-art as political commentary
By Øyvind Vågenes
Drones and privacy concern
By Elisabeth Krauss Amundsen and Helge Veum
Find the book here.
Gynnild, Astrid. (red). 2018. Droner i sivilsamfunnet. Aktører, teknologi og etiske utfordringer. Oslo, Cappelen Damm Akademisk